Monday, July 25, 2016

No More Mr. Nice Guy

This needs to be said, done, and over with.  First off, contrary to the popular belief of my ex-friend of a toad, I am NOT a stalker.  I hate stalkers, I actually had a bad experience with one before, and I'm too much of a private person to do even think of doing so.  However, I will admit I do have some crazy spells, which is being worked out with a therapist and some medications(which I hate taking but somehow does help me).  Also, I am NOT gay, as he supposedly thinks.  "The operating theory among those Army buddies that I am still willing to talk to is that he's a queer that's after my butt" remark is completely ludicrous and a poor attempt to try to flatter himself.  I love women way too much to go after men, in fact, as he doesn't know I have a girlfriend(or I should say more like friends with benefits sort of thing but oh well).  Finally, I NEVER had any intention to try to talk him into coming back to the Army.  Whatever I said was mainly a joke, which of course the toad has no concept of humor, or sarcasm as he thinks he does.  In fact, I wouldn't even want him to come back to a two-faced, hypocritical organization such as the Military.   I understand, though, why he is angry.  Over a year ago, while I was in that hideous place of a duty station in South Korea, I did go nutty for a time, largely due to my provider taking me off my medication and how toxic and unprofessional my unit was.  I wanted to do a celebration of my ex-friend's service in the Army by creating positive meme pictures of him during his first anniversary of leaving the service.  The purpose of what I did was to help him feel how good it was to serve in the Army, despite it's many, many flaws.  Also, knowing that he was part of the one percent of the people in the US that dared to even raise their right hand to serve in the Military.  I didn't think of it at the time, but he wasn't very amused and did tell me to stop.  I don't know why I didn't, maybe Korea really did fuck me up.  My ex-friend kept warning me and warning me until he blocked me for good.  I was shocked a bit, and mad because he had no sense of humor whatsoever.  I can't remember what happened afterward, but I did though create a music page, or more like a page dedicated to music, arts, and literature.  Before the toad blocked me, I was helping out with a music page he had.  Obviously, I was banned from that page along with his main profile.  I just know as I was running my page, I wanted to make amends with him, being after I finally left Korea my sanity slowly started coming back.  I believe it was around December of last year I messaged him to apologize for what I did, and that my craziness got the best of me, and I was going delete all the memes I made of him.  Of course, the jackass toad didn't respond back, and from I heard recently just blocked me again with no disregards.  After that, I ended up deleting my original profile and began to go low key.  The low key part took even more of a hold when my computer caught a virus.  As a result, I couldn't get online anymore, and instead of immediately getting my computer fixed, I decided to live semi-internet free for a while.  I went out a little more and met some cool people in the process.  Then, earlier this month I took some leave to go home and take care of some personal things that needed attention and went to get my computer fixed so I had internet once more, realizing it had become more of a necessity nowadays(sadly).  When my leave ended, I wanted to do something for my so-called friend so he wouldn't be sour with me forever, so I decided to make a page dedicated to his blogs; no pictures of him, no names, just his words and that's it.  Also, I posted some music he and even myself on the page as well.  My aim was to help market his blogs so he can gain a bigger following, which was the least I could do after what I did last year.  I started the page very low key because I wanted to perfect what my scheduling would be until the toad saw it.  Just this morning, he posted a blog about the page, typing all bunch of stupid assumptions he made of me(which are obviously not true), and said he is going to get a hold of my chain of command in regards to it.  Also, he got his so-called "minions" to report my page as well.  This really enraged me to the point I blocked his dumbass, unfollowed just about everything he had.  I am through with this piece of shit, I have something to you: IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME OR ANY OF MY PAGES, TELL IT TO MY FUCKING FACE!  DON'T BACK DOOR ME AND RUN TO FACEBOOK OR MY CHAIN OF COMMAND YOU DICKLESS COCKSUCKER!  GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS!  I have given him my olive branch, and all he did was break it in half and spit on me in the process.  For that, I am officially done being the nice guy, if the toad can't appreciate that, then he can go straight to fucking hell.  I am done sticking my hand out only for it to be brutally cut off.  The Army already has given me a suicidal problem as it is, and I'm not going to let this shitbag do the same to me.  Finally, as he said in his blog, "At this point, Shitbag, I strongly suggest you fuck off and go away for good.", I am not going away that easily.  I will still have my page(however it will not have any of your filth or senseless words or poor music taste on there), I will still have my blogs(which will feature some much-needed criticism of your garbage) and if you try to get your minions to sabotage and report me for petty BS, I will get you.  Next time, say it to my face and not hide behind your wall of Facebook or your pathetic following.  I did my apology, I tried to help you, and all you did was kick me in the nuts.  What you did today was created an enemy. As Julius Caesar once said, "Alea iacta est"SO ADOIS YOU COCKSUCKING, FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT, STUPID IDIOT, BASTARD WANNABE, ASPIE MOTHERFUCKER!  Goodbye and good riddance to bad rubbish.

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